If you are an Australian with a disability, you may be eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS is a federal government scheme that can provide you with funding for the support and services you need. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the government agency responsible for the NDIS.
To determine if you are eligible for the NDIS is based on the below criteria. If you answer Yes to them, you are most likely eligible to receive services and should get in touch with the NDIS on 1800 800 110.
- Are you over 7 and under 65 years old?
- If you are over 65 years, please see Home Care Packages
- Do you live in Australia and an Australian Citizen or resident or permanent visa holder?
- Do you usually require help or support from a person, due to a permanent and significant disability? This could be a Physical, Intellectual, Sensory, Cognitive or Psychological impairment.
- Do you use specialised aids or equipment because of a permanent and significant disability?
- Do you believe supports now will reduce your future needs in the future?
Once you’ve successfully applied for the NDIS, someone from the NDIS will call you to develop a plan for using the funding you receive. An NDIS Occupational Therapist (OT) will evaluate your needs and current situation before approving the purchase. Once your purchase has been approved, you can use your NDIS funds.
Assistive technology is equipment or devices that help you do things you can’t do because of your disability. Assistive technology may also help you do something more easily or safely.
See Details
The DVA client must have an assessed clinical need and a:
- Gold Card; or White Card with an accepted condition relating to the clinical need for the equipment.
- If the client is a resident of a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF), the provision of a suitable bed is the responsibility of the RACF. This includes an adjustable electric bed where clinically recommended. DVA does not seek to duplicate these arrangements.
Adjustable electric beds must be prescribed by a suitable assessing health provider. For this type of item, these include:
- Occupational Therapist (OT);
- Registered Nurse (RN); or
- Physiotherapist.
Standard adjustable electrical beds are provided through a DVA contracted supplier, and as such prior approval is not required for Gold Card Holders unless one or more of the following circumstances exists.
Prior approval and supporting information are required in the following circumstances:
- When being prescribed for White Card holders
- When the supply limit exceeds one bed
- For the provision of companion beds
- For the provision of larger adjustable beds (exceeding a king single bed) which are requested due to exceptional clinical circumstances, e.g. Bariatric bed.
An assessment needs to be conducted by a suitably qualified assessing health provider to determine the clinical need for an adjustable electric bed.
The assessing health provider should recommend and prescribe the most suitable bed on-contract to meet the DVA client’s clinical need, in consultation with the DVA client or their representative. If, due to exceptional clinical circumstances, a larger adjustable bed is required, this should also be discussed with the DVA client or their representative.
A Home Care Package (HCP) provides Government funded services that will help you to remain at home for as long as possible, as well as providing choice and flexibility in the way that the care and support is provided.
- Level 1 supports people with basic care needs.
- Level 2 supports people with low level care needs.
- Level 3 supports people with intermediate care needs.
- Level 4 supports people with high level care needs.
To receive a Home Care Package, you will need to be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team/Service (ACAT/S). The ACAT/s helps the elderly, and their carers, determine what kind of care will best meet their needs when they are no longer able to manage on their own.
A member of the team, which may include a doctor, nurse, social worker, and/or other health professional, will meet with you to assess your care needs and how well you are managing at home.
They will identify the right services for your needs and the level of care you require.
The ACAT/S will give you a letter stating the types of subsidised services you have been approved for and the support level, what your support plan is, and the Codes you need to access home care – which need to be provided to your new home care provider.
You can also search for home care providers near you by using the AgedCareGuide.com.au directory.